Lesson Plan in Music: Do-Re- Mi with action song


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Lesson Plan in Music: Do-Re- Mi with action song


At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

  • review the syllables of the solfege scale  Do,Re, Mi. Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do
  •  learn the song Do Re Mi ( Doe A Deer) and the action song.


Youtube Video, Lyrics of the song


Lesson Proper:

1. The students will review the Solfege Scale;  Do,Re, Mi. Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do.


This Do-Re-Mi  song is also easy to remember because of the famous musical The Sound of Music when Maria teaches the Von Trapp  children to sing the song and help to remember it with the song Doe A Deer. 

The students will learn the Solfege Scale

2. Start by singing the song's lyrics one phrase at a time to teach the words to "Do Re Mi" Repeat the first verse after the kids have done so effectively, then move on to the second.


Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read, you begin with A-B-C
When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi


The first three notes just happen to be


Oh, let's see if I can make it easier for you.

Do ( Doe) , a deer, a female deer
Re ( Ray), a drop of golden sun
Mi,( Me)  a name, I call myself
Fa ( Far) , a long, long way to run
So, ( Sew)  a needle pulling thread
La ( La) , a note to follow So
Ti ( Tea), a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do, oh, oh, oh

Do  ( Doe), a deer, a female deer
Re ( Ray , a drop of golden sun
Mi (  Me), a name, I call myself
Fa  (Far), a long, long way to run
So (Sew) , a needle pulling thread
La (La), a note to follow So
Ti (Tea)  a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do

Do,Re,Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do, Sol, Do,


3. While teacher play the "Do-Re-Mi" tune on the piano, have your students sing the song, verse by verse. Ask your students to sing the song through as you play the piano or a recording once they appear to be comfortable with it.

Explain to the class, "Let's stand in a circle. It's time to learn the actions." As you and the class sing along with the recording, model the actions listed below.

Doe - Tell students to position their two palms on top of their heads to imitate deer's antlers.

Ray : By opening and closing your fingers, use both hands to resemble a ray of sunshine. 

Me: I asked the kids to point their index fingers in the direction of themselves.

Far Students are to run in a circle when asked to.

Sew Students should act out sewing.

La - Tell the class to raise their hands and arms.

Tea Ask pupils to pretend to hold a saucer in one hand and a tea cup in the other when discussing tea.

3. Sing the song all through out.

4. Optional; Watch the movie The Sound of Music. Prepare for a play



Ask the children what are the Solfege Scale?

Draw the scale on their Music Notebook

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