Jack in the box song


Editor / Owner / Teacher, creates learning resources, and works as a freelance blogger

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Jack in the box song




  •  Follow and do the simple vocal warm up exercises
  • Sing along in a steady beat and do the echo
  • Develop listening and auditory awareness
  • Develop speech and language


The children will do some warm up exercises as preparation for singing and playing musical instrument.  The children will have a movement activity called “ Jack is hiding in the box” part of the activity is that they will pretend to hide by going down or hide in the box or hide herself/ himself under a scarf  and when they hear the tap of the drum sound then they will come out or pop up from the box. They will sing the song along with the teacher.



Drum ( if children don’t have they can just use a carton box or plastic container to tap on ), a big box, scarf




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