Ice Cube Experiment


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Ice Cube Experiment

 Ice Cube Science Experiment

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the children will be able to:

·         Understand and explore the object with their senses

·         Develop their thinking and reasoning skills

·         Explore and talk about what they have observed


Ice cubes, salt, water, clear plastic glass, spoon, blue food color

Teaching and Learning Strategies:

The teacher will show a glass of water. Ask them if we put it in the fridge overnight what will happen to the water? Will it change its form?   Ask them what is ice? Ice is frozen water. How does it feel? Where do you use it?  If we take it out from the fridge what will happen to it after some time? Will it change its form?

In this experiment, the children will discover which glass of water will make the ice to melt faster? Is it in plain water or in salty water?

1.       Colored ice cubes were prepared beforehand. Materials will be placed on the table.

2.       The children will pour the same amount of water in each glass. Glass A and Glass B

3.       They will Add 2 tablespoon of salt in glass B

4.       The children will predict (make a guess) on which glass with water will make the ice cube melt faster.

5.       They will put the ice cubes in each glass on water and record their observation on their worksheet.

6.       Simple questions will be asked for discussion.

Questions for discussion:

1.       What happened on the colored ice in glass A? How about in glass B?

2.       Where is the ice? Is it on top or below the water? Why is it floating?

3.       Why do you think the ice is on top of the water?

4.       What happened to the ice as it melt? Did it change the size?

5.       After 5-7 mins  of observation. Ask the children, what happened to the ice in glass A and B?

6.       Discuss why the ice melted faster in plain water.



As the ice cube melts in plain water, the cold melt water from the ice cube sinks to the bottom of the glass forcing the water from the bottom of the glass to move toward the surface which transfers its heat to the ice cube, causing it to melt faster. Meanwhile in the salty water, the cold freshwater from the ice cube floats on top of the saltwater. Thus the ice cube sits in a pool of cold water, blocking the heat from the saltwater from getting to the ice cube.




Ice Cube Science Experiment 


I think the ice cube will melt faster in… Circle your answer.
















                        SALTY WATER



My guess was correct. Circle your answer.

  YES          NO



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