Fun With Magnets


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Fun With Magnets


Fun With Magnets


What are Magnets? Playing with magnets are fun. You seem to possess a magic wand! Magnets are pieces of metal or rock that have the ability to attract certain types of metal with an invisible force. We call that power a force. A force in nature is something that generates a push or a pull. 

Where do you see Magnets ? We see them in Fridge doors, magnetic cabinet latch, microwave, TV, medical devices, train and almost every where

How does a magnet work? There are two poles on magnets: a north pole and a south pole. The north pole of one magnet will push the north pole of another magnet farther and away from it. An additional south pole will be repelled by the south pole. The north and south poles are attracted to one another.


What type of things do magnet stick to? If it's magnetic it would attract or stick to.Some type of metals stick to it. For Example the keys. If it is not magnetic it would repel or not stick to it for example crayons.


Sing a song: I'm a little Magnet  ( Tune: I'm a little Teapot)

Im a little magnet,can't you see?

Some types of metals stick to me

If it is not magnetic you will see 

because it just won't stick to me.





Find out: Which objects can stick to magnet?

Learning Objectives: The children will be able to:

·         Identify which objects can stick to magnet

·         Predict, observe and compare

·         Explore and talk about magnet and its uses


Materials Needed:

Horse shaped magnet

magnetic and non magnetic things


Directions : 

Students will be given the materials. They will predict which objects can stick to magnet then draw a line from the magnet to the object:














Magnet  Paint Activity: 


This is a cool Science and Art activity with Magnet. 

 Materials :

  • Magnet stick
  • metal components such as screws, springs, and ball bearings 
  • Paper
  • Box, bowl, or basin made of plastic (I used a  9" x 13" food container)
  • Tempera color
  •  cups to dunk the metal pieces in
  • spoons 




1. Cut a paper to fit in your  plastic basin or something like a bowl deep enough to drop the pieces of metal.

2. Pour some paint into it.

3.  The children are less likely to mix up the paint colors if one metal is placed in the same color paint (one green metal into green paint).

4. Under their plastic bowl or basin, slide the magnet stick  to move the metals.

5. The paper in the plastic basin or bowl is painted by the metals.  These can be shown in the classroom and make a wonderful abstract picture.

This is the Class Set up.

The children wore they aprons. 


Painting is a great way for kids to learn about Science.   Even the metal components moved differently from one another. ,Some were heavy, and when they became painted, others, like the metal bead chain, stopped to move.  Our favorite part was the rolling springs, which formed cool stripes in their trail. The pipe cleaners are movable and can even dance a little. 



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