Lesson Plan: Health and Nutrition


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Lesson Plan: Health and Nutrition

These are lesson plans for a two-day Health and  Nutrition Lesson Activity.

The format consists of the age group of the learners, the name of the activity plan, the concept, the learning objectives, the supplies, the instructional activities, and the assessment. (If necessary, a consent form; for instance, before cooking something, find out if anyone has allergies.)

Lesson Plan: Health and Nutrition Education Activity 

Age range: 4 to 5 years old.

Day 1: Making a fruit-and-vegetable sandwich


CONCEPT; The purpose behind this activity is to get young students excited about eating fruits and veggies by teaching them how to prepare healthy snacks. As it is hands-on learning, they can explore with their senses.

Objectives for Learning: 

• Use their senses to explore the ingredients.

• Develop their skill for compare and observation.

• Encourage both individual and group learning.


• 2 slices of wheat bread 

• 1/2 avocado 

• 1/2 cup milk 

• Slices of lettuce 

• 2 slices of tomato 

2 slices of Strawberries

• Mixing bowl 

• Spoon 

• Plastic knife 

• Plate

Instructional Activities: 

(note: before to this activity, the parents will send a properly signed consent form indicating whether or not their child is allergic to any ingredients) For example, if the child has a milk allergy, mark the item with a check mark.

Ask the kids to wash their hands. Instruct the kids that they will be working in pairs. There are only 5 simple steps and 4 simple ingredients.
1. With a spoon, carefully remove the avocado's flesh and mash it in a bowl.
2. Use the knife to cut the tomato and lettuce.
3. Mash the avocado and then stir in the milk.
4.Continue blending until it is smooth.
5. Put the mixture over the toast, then top with lettuce and tomatoes.

1.Do you like your healthy sandwich? Why or why not?
2.What are the ingredients? Identify if it's a fruit or vegetable?
3. Why are fruits and vegetables  important part of healthy diet?

Day 2: Making Healthy Snacks with Fruits and Vegetables

Day 2's theme is a continuation of the previous day's lesson on fruits and vegetables, but this time the kids will make a cute healthy snack out of fruits and vegetables.

Objectives for Learning:

• Use their senses to explore the ingredients.

• Develop their skill for compare and observation.

Encourage both independent and group learning

• Make efforts for creative thought.


• Banana 

• Grapes 

• Raisin 

• Cucumber 

• Strawberries 

• Tomatoes 

• Capsicum 

• Pear 

• Apple 

• Celery  

• barbeque stick 

• Plastic knife 

• Plate 

• Maple syrup

Instructional Activities:

The kids will be instructed to wash their hands. They will be grouped into three groups. They will be asked about fruits and vegetables. They will be asked to design their own fruit and vegetable-based healthy snack using the ingredients on the table.


1. Name your healthy snack.

For Example: Ants on a log and fruit and vegetable kebabs..

2. How did you come up with the name of your healthy snack?
3. Describe it and tell something about it.
4.Do you eat  raisins? Do they taste good? What kind of fruit are they?
5. Did you enjoy making and eating your healthy snack?
6. Draw  and color your healthy snack.


The target age group for this lesson plan is 4-5 years old since young children like hands-on learning and because kids in this age range tend to be highly fussy eaters. It's helpful for kids if you encourage them to eat fruits and veggies, especially as a healthy snack when they're young. Also, the activities will encourage individual learning and exploration. The kids will be happy to make their own healthy snack.

Also, the activities are simple to prepare and only need common kitchen utensils. It features inexpensive ingredients and doesn't require cooking in stove.

Because it is student-centered, the learning objectives will be quickly met. They will like working with their classmates because the learning is also collaborative. 

As part of the assessment, they will learn how to use their senses to explore the fruits and vegetables and how to discuss things by asking questions and describing what they did.

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