Common Errors in English Grammar


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Common Errors in English Grammar

Pronoun errors are some of the most typical grammar mistakes. These happen when pronouns and the nouns they refer to are not equal in number. The pronoun must be singular if the noun is singular. The pronoun must also be plural if the noun is.

How to do you identify and avoid the common errors in the sentence?

1. Identify what part of speech is used in the sentence.

2. Identify the pronouns.

3.Identify if its singular or plural.

4. Be careful on the use of your and you're

5. Identify the Subject- Verb agreement.

Common Errors in English

 His hair are black. (incorrect)

His hair is black.  (correct)


  I live at Quezon City. (incorrect)

I live in Quezon City. (correct)


 The cattle is grazing. (incorrect)

The cattle are grazing. (correct)


I have headache. (incorrect)

I have a headache. (correct)


Listen me. (incorrect)

Listen to me. (correct)


Do not make noise. (incorrect)

Do not make a noise. (correct)


I read Khaleej Times everyday. (incorrect)

I read the Khaleej Times everyday. (correct)


Congratulate him for his success. (incorrect)

Congratulate him on his success. (correct)


Go by foot. (incorrect)

Go on foot. (correct)


She called me as a fool. (incorrect)

She called me a fool. (correct)


This is all my books. (incorrect)

These are all my books. (correct)


His family members are noble (incorrect)

The members of his family are noble. (correct)


Danell ran fastly. (incorrect)

Danell ran fast. (correct)


I prefer coffee than tea. (incorrect)

I prefer coffee to tea. (correct)



Rich are proud. (incorrect)

The rich are proud. (correct)



Alexa is taller than me. (incorrect)

Alexa is taller than I. (correct)


Open the light (incorrect)

Switch on the light. (correct)


I always keep my words. (incorrect)

I always keep my word. (correct)


They were too happy to see me. (incorrect)

They were very happy to see me. (correct)


The farmer works hardly. (incorrect)

The farmer works hard. (correct)


He is fail in English.  (incorrect)

He fails in English. (correct)


I am learning a new poem. (incorrect)

I am learning a new poetry. (correct)


Dog is a faithful animal. (incorrect)

The dog is a faithful animal. (correct)



I told him goodbye. (incorrect)

I bade him goodbye. (correct)


None of the two girls were absent. (incorrect)

Neither of the two girls was absent. (correct)


The rain was plenty. (incorrect)

It rained heavily. (correct)


One should do his duty. (incorrect)

One should do one’s duty (correct)


Your the mother of a beaufiful child.(incorrect)

You're the mother of a beautiful child. (correct)


Your so talented at playing you're piano. (incorrect)

You're so talented at playing your piano. (correct)



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