Bingo Is Lost


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Bingo Is Lost

Characters in the Story:


Mr. Bart- Father dog

Bingo- Puppy dog

Mrs. Bart- Mother dog

Sam- Friend dog

Henny the hen

Moo Moo the Cow

Mr. Gallop the Horse

Shawn the  Sheep

Mrs: Kitty the Cat


Narrator: Good Morning Kids, We are about to present to you "Bingo is Lost". Are you ready? Now, sit back, relax and enjoy!

Narrator: School is starting today at Mc Donald's Farm.


Mr. Bart: (Woof, Woof) Bingo, Wake up. Today is your first day of school. Hurry up! We have to prepare now. (Woof, woof, )

Bingo: Dad,I'm still sleepy (woof, woof,) Ooppsie, It's the first day of schoo!

Narrator: Bingo hurriedly jumped off the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

Mrs. Bart: Bingo, breakfast is ready! ( woof,woof)

Narrator: Bingo ate his breakfast and got ready for school.


Mr. Bart; (Woof, woof) Bingo, are you excited to go to school?

Bingo: Yes, Dad I am so excited (woof, woof)

Mr. Bart: You have to stay close to me on our way. ( woof, woof)

Bingo: Yes, Dad!

Mr. Bart: Oh! That is my friend Sam, he seems to need a little hand with his kennel. Would you sit here and wait for me in a bit? ( Woof, woof)

Bingo: Ok Dad. (woof)

Mr. Bart: Promise? 

Bingo: Promise Dad! ( woof, woof)

Narrator: Bingo sat down under the tree and waited for his Dad as he promised. Then, suddenly Bingo saw something!

Bingo: Oh! What a beautiful butterfly! Where it will go? (woof, woof) Hey, Wait! Wait for me butterfly!

Narrator: And so Bingo, forgetting his promise to his Dad,excitedly run and followed the butterfly.


Sam: (woof, woof,) Hey Mr.Bart! This is such a great help! Thank you so much!

Mr.Bart: Oh no problem Sam! Anytime you need just tell me. But now I have to go to drop Bingo to his school ( looks around and calls Bingo) (woof, woof,) Bingo, Bingo! Oh where is Bingo?

Sam: ( Woof) I just saw him sitting under the tree...

Mr. Bart: Yes, he promised he will wait for me, But I cannot find him.

Sam: Don't worry, I will help you find him. I will go this side and you go that way.

Mr. Bart: Ok Sam, thanks for helping me out.


Narrator: Mr. Bart and his friend Sam started looking for Bingo. Mr. Bart went to ask his friends and reached Henny in her coop.

Mr. Bart: Good morning Henny, I've lost my pup and I cannot find hiim. Have you see him? 

Henny: ( Cluck, Cluck) Let me look around. I'm sorry Mr. Bart but Bingo is not here. Why don't you ask Moo Moo the cow?

Mr. Bart: That's a good idea! (woof)

Narrator: Mr. Bart went to see Moo Moo the cow.

Mr. Bart: Good Morning Moo Moo, I've lost my pup and I cannot find him. Have you seen him?

Moo Moo: (Moo,Moo) Let me look in my barn. I'm sorry Mr. Bart, only my calves are here. Why don't you go to the stable and ask Mr. Gallop the horse?

Mr. Bart: That's a good idea!

Narrator: Mr. Bart went to see Mr. Gallop the horse.

Mr. Bart: Good Morning Mr. Gallop, I've lost my pup and I cannot find him. Have you see him?

Mr. Gallop: (neigh, neigh) Let me look around my stable. I'm sorry Mr. Bart, only my foals are here. Why don't you ask Shawn the sheep.?

Mr. Bart: That's a good idea!

Narrator: Mr. Bart went to the shed and ask Shawn the sheep.

Mr. Bart: Good Morning Shawn, I've lost my pup and I cannot find him. Have you see him?

Shawn: (baah, baah) Let me see in my shed. I'm sorry Mr. Bart, Bingo is not here. Why don't you ask Mrs. KItty the cat? 

Mr. Bart: That's a good idea!

Narrator:Mr. Bart went to see Mrs. Kitty the cat.

Mr. Bart: Good Morning Mrs. Kitty, I've lost my pup and I cannot find him. Have you see him?

Mrs. Kitty ( meow, meow) Let me see in my basket. Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Bart, Bingo is not here. 

Narrator: Mr. Bart was so sad, then, suddenly he saw a pup yapping and running towards him.

Mr. Bart: ( woof, woof) Where were you,Bingo? I've been looking for you? ( woof) Have you forgotten your promise?

Bingo: I am sorry, Dad. I was trying to catch the butterfly. I won't do it again. ( woof, woof in a sorry voice)

Narrator: Mr. Bart was very happy to see his pup and hugged him tight.

Mr. Bart. Oh great now that I have found you, come on we have to hurry up. You don't want to get late on your first day, right? (woof)

Bingo: Of course not Dad! ( woof) Let's go!

Scene 4: AT SCHOOL...

Narrator: So Bingo reached Farm school on time and was very happy to see his friends and they sang together their favourite song Old Mc Donald Had a Farm!

All Characters will sing Old Mac Donald Had A Farm






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