Making Glue Activity


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Making Glue Activity

Making Glue Activity

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the children will be able to:

·         Explore the different materials using their senses

·         Make Prediction, Observe and Describe result

·         Talk about the things that can stick

·         Draw family word pictures


2 square cut out small pieces of paper, 1 whole piece of paper, 2 small cups, 1 teaspoon, salt, water, flour and food coloring

Teaching and Learning Strategies:

The children will be asked about the different materials that stick for example a glue, a masking tape, a post it papers and stickers. The children will be learning how to make their own glue.  They will be asked if they mix some materials together which one will stick into their paper or which one will be a better glue.  Before they will make their glue, they will draw the pictures on two small pieces of paper.  Then, the children will put half teaspoon of salt into the cup, add a half teaspoon of water and a drop of food coloring and mix.  In another cup the children will put one teaspoon of flour, add half teaspoon of water and a drop of food coloring. They will observe what will happen to the salt and water and flour and water. The children will use these as their glue to stick the picture that they drew in another paper. (worksheet) They will guess which one will stick best on their paper.   The children will make a conclusion which one will be a better glue.

Questions for discussion:

1.       What are the materials that we use for making glue?

2.       What happened to the salt when we put in the water? How about flour?

3.       Which is a better glue? Salt with water, or flour with water? Why?




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