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Jack in the box song

A jack-in-the-box is a child's toy that consists of a box with a doll inside it that jumps out when the lid is opened. We will have this as a song.

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0min 48s read

Activities for 1 year old Baby

These activities are enjoyable and fun. Your 1-year-old's skill development will also benefit from it.

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4min 9s read

Indulge in the Lavish staycation at Sheraton Manila Hotel

Are you planning a trip to Manila soon? This blog is about the luxurious Sheraton Manila Hotel, which has everything you'll need throughout your stay.

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2min 27s read

Lesson Plan in Music: Do-Re- Mi with action song

This lesson is for reviewing solfege syllables as well as learning the Famous musical song "The Sound of Music" composed by Rodgers and Hammerstein

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2min 50s read

The Eraser Bread

Did you know that you could use a rolled up piece of white bread to remove pencil marks?

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1min 54s read

Target Goal: Self Control to Keep in Tract and Manage Stress

My Life's Reflection on How to say No to Stress.

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5min 5s read

Fast Facts about the Human Body

Check out these interesting facts about the human body

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3min 42s read

Ideas for Planning a Memorable First Birthday Party on a Budget

Planning your child's first birthday can be stressful especially for first time Parents. The following advice and suggestions will help you plan a great first birthday celebration on a low price

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6min 42s read

How to write Letters

These are some samples of informal and formal letters.

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3min 34s read

The 5E Model Lesson Plan

This is how to create a 5E Model Lesson Plan in Science ,and why a teacher should use this planning tool for inquiry based teaching.

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4min 17s read

The Elephant

Here are some fun facts and trivias about the amazing elephant

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2min 15s read

How to Make simple musical shakers

This is the easiest and super fun Do It Yourself (DIY) way to make a simple musical shaker at home and in your music class.

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0min 37s read

Vibrations and Sound

All sounds are caused by vibrations. Air molecules are pressed closer together by the moving object before being stretched apart. This experiment will show how vibrations are produced along with sounds.

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2min 41s read

Mystery Bag Challenge

This is a fun game sensorial activity which uses the sense of touch

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1min 11s read