Fast Facts about the Human Body


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Fast Facts about the Human Body


What causes grey hair in older people?
The reason hair is black, red, blonde, etc. is that it has a lot of melanin. Age-related melanin loss causes hair to become grey, silver, or white as a result of lower melanin levels.


Why does it not hurt when my hair is cut by the barber?
Unlike other parts of the body, the areas of your hair that are above the skin's surface are formed of dead cells and lack any sensitivity or nerve sensation. As a result, when the barber cuts your hair, it doesn't hurt.

Why am I unable to see anything in the dark? 
When light strikes a surface in front of you, it enters your eyes, travels through the iris and pupil, and then reaches the lens. You see things in this way. These rays are focused by the lens onto the retina, where they combine to produce an image that your brain interprets. There isn't any light in the dark to reflect the thing. This means that no signal is being sent to your brain, which explains why we are unable to see anything.


Why am I blinking? 
Under your eyelids are oil glands. These glands lubricate the eyes and supply moisture when you blink, keeping your eyes from drying out. Additionally, blinking keeps dust from hurting your eyes and getting in there.


Is my nose important?
You can detect many different smells thanks to your nose! The ability to taste things is largely due to this. Your respiratory mechanism, or breathing system, is mostly accessed through your nose. Your body receives air through two openings in the nose called nostrils.


Why do you have hiccups?

The diaphragm is a huge muscle located beneath your lungs. It aids in lung expansion and contraction. Your diaphragm may occasionally contract too quickly if you eat or swallow air too quickly. Your lungs fill with air at a significantly faster rate than usual. Your voice box is then hit by this airburst, which causes hiccups.


Why do I have ears?
Your ears help in hearing various noises. Tiny bones inside the ear aid in the passage of sound into the cochlea, a tiny, curved tube in the inner ear. The cochlea has a liquid-filled interior and tiny hairs lining it. The little hair is compressed when sound travels through the liquid. This sends a signal to the brain, which causes you to hear sounds. 

What causes my ears to pop in an airplane?
A result of air pressure! Although the air pressure in the plane drops as it rises, it remains the same in your ears as when you were on the ground. Your ear canals are under more pressure than the cabin of the airliner. Then, as the ear's air presses against the eardrum, you may feel as though your eardrums are about to explode.


Why do I perspire while riding a bike?

To keep you cool! The ideal body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius. You perspire when you exercise or run. Your body uses sweat as a cooling mechanism. Sweat is produced by sweat glands located beneath the skin. Your body cools down when the sweat dries.


Why do we burp?
You swallow air with your food when you eat or drink quickly. However, your body does not require this air. You burp as the air returns to your throat in the same manner that it left.

Why do I have fingernails?
The nail on the tip of your finger serves as protection. It shields the skin below and the tips of your fingers. Additionally, fingernails enable us to sense and grasp little items. 


Why do my toes and fingers wrinkle after taking a bath for a long time?

A special oil on your skin called sebum protects and lubricates it while also making it waterproof. Spending a lot of time in the water removes the sebum from your skin, allowing water to enter the skin's surface where it shrinks and gets waterlogged. On your fingers and toes, this results in wrinkles.


Ever experience a tingling sensation after hitting your elbow?
You've tapped your funny bone, that's why! It doesn't really hurt much.The funny sensation you experience when you hit your funny bone is how it received its name.


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