Questions and Answers to Eco Friendly Choices and Food Waste Management


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Questions and Answers to Eco Friendly Choices and Food Waste Management


Think back on how many sandwich bags you have used over the years for a moment. It may be all the evidence you require to understand why it is important to seek out a sustainable method of eating. You have the power to completely change your life with even the smallest of changes. There are numerous ways you may contribute to environmental cleanup and eat a healthy, sustainable diet, from supermarket bags to water. Additionally, there are ways to avoid wasting food.

The information below are some answers to questions about eco- friendly choices and food waste management.

1.  What are 5 eco-friendly choices that can be adopted in our everyday life?

5 eco friendly choices:

a. Reuseable containers

b. Recycle

c. Use Cloth napkins during meal time instead of paper towel

d. Rechargeable batteries

e. Cloth grocery bags

Many people around the world are buying and using too much of paper, plastics, batteries, styrofoams, etc which are very harmful to the environment and  caused too much garbage. So we have so many options but for everyday life we can recycle things and turn into craft, reuse containers instead of styrofoam e.g drink coffee in a mug instead on styro cup.

2. What are some of the main threats to the global food supply?

3 main threats to global food security

a. Over population

b. Climate change

c. Urbanization

Overpopulation, climate change and urbanization bring the biggest problems to global food security because if there are many people there be will an increase demand for food. Climate change brings changed in weather patterns that caused damaged to agriculture. Lastly urbanization is also a problem because the supposedly agriculture land developed for buildings and housing project may create scarcity for food production.

3. Discuss how reducing food waste could impact the world food supply

Reducing food waste is beneficial for all and for the environment because it will prevent climate change by avoiding  over production of food. When there is reducing food waste then we can save energy, save land, water, that should have been used to it.

4. What is an "ecological footprint"?

Ecological footprint means a method that is used by the Global Footprint Network to measure the biologically productive land and water area that provide goods and everything that people consumed and demand.

Ecological footprint is to measure how much agricultural land, marine water, forest and grazing area needed to provide for people.

5. What is the difference in size of the ecological footprint of a person in an industrialized country versus in a developing country?

The global hectare per person is 2.75.   Ecological footprints are different for all nations around the world. The effect of industrialized country is higher compared to developing countries. The footprints takes into account every person's demand for biological productive space.Industrialized country have larger economical footprints that is likely to developed their country and it creates more damaged to environment.

  Industrialized countries have higher rate of economical footprint per person than developing countries  because they would like to develop their economies with activities that are damaging to environment.

6. What role of the consumer's diet is contributing to a sustainable food system?

Consumers diet role is very important because they are the who use and need in order to survive therefore they  can contribute to more sustainable food system for example avoid food waste, taking care of your own crop, use organic products. In other words they should apply green marketing.

Consumers diet role in sustainable food system is very important so they should find more eco friendly products for the environment.

7. What food choices could an eco-conscious consumer make to conserve environmental resources?

Food choices for an eco-concious consumer:

a. Eat organic food

b. Avoid using additives and preservatives

c. Buy from local farmers

d. Choose minimal packaging 

Food choices for eco concious eaters are buying and eating organic food from local farmers. These are fresh and have more nutrients compared to crops and animal products that used fertilizers and chemicals that are harmful to environment. It also support the community. It also minimize packaging because you can direct their farm using your cloth bags or basket to avoid plastics.

8. What are the potentials of genetic engineering to contribute to food sustainability?

The potentials of genetic engineering to sustainable food system is that it can improve crop production, prevent pest that harm crops. It can reduce the use of tillage like burning of fossil fuels. It can help increase food supply.

Genetic engineering to food have many potentials to meet the world's food sustainability. It is efficient and economical and can minimize the use of resources. But also there are disadvantages to this such as it creates changed to crops that may be harmful and toxic to human consumption.

9. What can you do to reduce food waste?

Plan your meals-  When you to a grocery it will be helpful  when you make a list so that you will avoid impulse buys. You will also saved money and waste less.

Try some ugly fruits and vegetables-  Those fruits and veggies that are not really pleasing to eat are often thrown away. But you can still make use of these fruits and veggies and they also taste better.

Store food wisely-  Older items should go in front of new ones when you stack in your refrigerator or cabinets. Once it's been opened, use airtight containers to keep it fresh in the refrigerator or seal the packets to stop bugs from ruining them.

Leftovers can be transformed- If you cooked a lot, let's say rice you can make Vegetable fried rice or egg fried rice.

Make a compost bin for leftovers, fruits and vegetable peelings. Food waste is unavoidable so you can make a compost bin for food scraps for plant food. 

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