The 5E Model Lesson Plan


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The 5E Model Lesson Plan

When teaching Science one effective method is the inquiry based learning. It requires careful planning that makes the students engage in the activity to be eager to ask questions from their curiosity, explore the solutions and solve problems using their observations and findings .

The 5E lesson promotes inquiry-based learning. It gives kids a fun environment  to learn and apply new skills. By using the 5E Model Lesson technique, teachers can more carefully plan effective objectives. 

You can recall your last  Lesson in Science and try to reflect your lesson. Were the students able to finish their task on their own? Were they able to discuss the questions by themselves? Were you able to motivate them by using technology, video or powerpoint. Were you able to assess your students? All of these should be in your lesson component in 50 minutes. With the use of 5E Lesson Plan,  I believe that you can use and extend the plan for more than the required time and day.

This 5E learning strategy will engage the kids. They will be compelled to think creatively with the questions as they think out of the box, and they will feel more confident carrying out the task on their own. The teachers merely serve as facilitators.

What are the 5E Model Lesson Plan ? The 5E approach, which includes five phases, helps teachers in creating a progression of meaningful and interesting learning experiences for students. These are Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.

Here are some examples of how to create and use 5E Model Lesson Plan.

After the teacher has carefully plan the objectives of the lesson, she can now proceed to the five phase approach.

1. Engage - What does the term "engaged" mean? It implies that the kids will concentrate on something or direct their attention to it. You are encouraging kids to be curious to learn more about this. You can start by displaying an image, for instance if the lesson is on body parts ears and hearing . Ask a question after displaying a picture of this.

Ask: What is the sound of fire engine's siren? Why should it be so loud?

You can also play guessing game, The students will be guessing what sound do they hear through their sense of hearing. You can use smartboard technology, A video, Chart and many more.

2.Explore- When the students are engaged in the lesson. Its time for them to practice and explore the lesson. This approach will allow the students to practice their Science process skills. This is the springboard to the ideas and key concept presented in the lesson
So for Body parts lesson lets say Ears and hearing. Let them explore with the different bottle shakers. Arranging them through loudest to softest sound and vise versa.
The purpose of exploration is to provide the learner with a chance to put their new information into practice or use it in some way. The best explorations are doing experiments which allow for errors or trial-and-error. It examines a topic before going into detail in the expectation that students may find solutions to potential questions through exploration. The students can also work individually or collaboratively. There can also be a observation worksheet where the students will fill the answers based on what they have observed.

3. Explain This is the time the teacher can explain and ask and answer students query. The teacher can explain the concept through the exploration that they did. Say, the lesson is on body parts: ears and hearing. Why the stones make the loudest sound? How about cotton?  
The teacher can show other examples and explain by using other materials. This also discusses the key concepts in each lesson. It can include, infographics.illustration, charts, etc. These will hep the students understand the concepts and promote mastery of the topic.

4. Elaborate- In the class, the student's level of understanding are all different.  This is the time the teacher can give different activity to students according to their level. Some may need more elaboration or repetition  to further understand the topic. Some may be advanced students in which a teacher can give enrichment activity. 

For this approach let the students draw other things that make soft and loud sounds, the advanced students may share and discuss their drawing. The below average students may  draw and will be given choices or with more examples. 

5. Evaluate- It's time to revisit the objectives of the lesson.  It is the time to assess the students and to know if they effectively learned the lesson.

Assess the students by giving them multiple choice test , quiz, true or false and essays. There can also be fun facts about the ears and  sounds and students will come up with 5 answers after their further reading from home or after their research.

The teacher can extend the activity to other topics such as loud and soft sound  musical instruments. 

What is decibel? How can it be dangerous to our ears?.


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Anonymous 2 years ago

This is helpful.

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