Vegan Recipes: Tofu Vegan Burger with White Sauce and Vege Pasta Recipe


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Vegan Recipes: Tofu Vegan Burger with White Sauce and Vege Pasta Recipe

These two dishes must each include a minimum of 4 separate replacements in order to qualify as vegan.

There is a list of ingredients. They have suitable substitutes that can help imitate the characteristics of the original food (functionality, look, flavor, and/or texture).

We will explain our reasoning for choosing each of these substitutes and make note of the extra preparation required and potential effects on the dish's quality and acceptance.

Dish Name:  Tofu Vegan Burger With White Sauce             


1 cup mashed tofu

 1 tsp chia seeds  

  1/2 cup flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp minced garlic

1 tsp minced onion

1 cup potato cut in small dice

1 cup carrots cut in small dice

pepper to taste

1/2 cup water

1 cup cream 

Vegan Cheese

1/2  cup palm oil  

Direction for cooking:

1. Combine mashed tofu, flour, salt   garlic, onion,flour, carrots and potatoes in a mixing bowl. 

2.Fill a small dish with water, then add the chia seeds. Stir and allow to thicken for 5 minutes. It should have a thick, gel-like consistency. Add water and mix the ingredients.

3.  Heat the dying pan and put oil. Scoop one tablespoon of the mixture and make it into a patty then fry until golden brown. 

  For the white sauce:

1.Preheat a saucepan then put the cream and cheese.

2. Seasoned with salt and pepper.


Tofu Beef
Chia Seeds Egg
Almond Milk  Cooking Cream
Vegan Cheese  Cheddar Cheese


We have Tofu because it is made from soybeans and is a strong source of protein, tofu is a good substitute for beef. When fried, it also tastes like a burger.If we want our burger to clump together, we can use Chia seeds in place of the egg. Cooking cream can be replaced with almond milk cream. Making almond milk cream and cheese, as well as tofu preparation, is a little tiresome. For instance, to make almond milk cream, we must soak the almonds, ground them, and then mix them until they are as smooth as milk. Vegan cheese is not dairy because it is prepared using coconut milk. 

For making the  Vegan Cheese here's how :


 Dish name: Vege Pasta Recipe


 1/2kg pasta

1/2 cup button mushroom

1/2 cup almond cream

500 ML tomato sauce

1/2 minced gluten meat

 Vegan Cheese

1/2 tbsp vegetable  oil

1/2 minced garlic

1/2 minced onion

Pepper to taste


Basil powder or oregano

1/2 tsp. sugar    


  Direction for cooking:  

 1. Heat pan and put oil.

2. Sautè garlic and onion, add gluten meat, button mushroom,

3. Add tomato sauce and almond cream,  Simmer for 5-10 minutes.

4. Put the cooked pasta and mix well. Seasoned with salt, pepper and oregano/ basil powder.

5. Add vegan cheese as toppings.


Gluten Meat  Corned Beef
Button Mushroom  Chicken Ham
Almond Cream  Cooking Cream
Vegan cheese  Cheddar cheese


Since gluten meat is comprised of flour as opposed to processed food like corned beef, it makes a viable replacement. However, preparing can be a little tiresome. Making gluten-free meat is explained here:

 Despite having a very distinct flavor from chicken ham, button mushrooms are a good alternative because they are equally meaty. Cooking cream can be substituted with almond cream, which is non-dairy. Likewise with vegan cheese. Additionally, we made tomato sauce by blending the ripe tomatoes.

   The two recipes mentioned above are nutritious and delicious vegan meals. It is also a substitute for healthy nourishment. These dishes are also effective for reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. All of these ingredients come from plants, and because they are made of beans, nuts, whole grains, wheat, and coconut, they are healthy choices. For instance, tofu is a good source of protein and is made from soybeans. Whole grain flour and wheat are used to make gluten meat. These components include a lot of fiber. Moms who enjoy creatively preparing nutritious meals should take up this hobby. There are some negative effects on the quality of the recipe since it is difficult to obtain the correct ingredients and amounts to properly blend the grains.Because it can be difficult to combine the right grains in the right amounts and with the right components to ensure proper nutrition, there are some negative effects on the quality of the meal. It also takes a lot of time, so a lot of commitment and careful planning are needed. If you are used to eating meat and dairy, tasting and eating vegan food may be uncomfortable. Adjustments must be made. When prepared improperly, gluten-containing meat can cause stomach bloating and cause discomfort.

How to Make Easy Vegan Cheese

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