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Life in the Boarding School

Boarding school life means students have to manage their own time, balance their school and social life, and make their own responsible choices. But for me there's more to that.

editor Editor

3min 7s read

Japan does not celebrate Teachers' day.

Japan does not celebrate Teachers' day. Here is why.

editor Editor

2min 2s read

My first time to visit the University of Santo Tomas

University of Santo Tomas is one tourist spot we should all visit at least once here in Manila

writer Writer

1min 23s read

Bingo Is Lost

This is a script for a school play about a lost pup and his dad went searching for him.

editor Editor

4min 32s read


Central Luzon Adventist Academy in Pampanga. A boarding school for intermediate level

writer Writer

2min 46s read

How Does Music Impact the Lives of the Children

As much as music can set an energetic tone for the class there are other benefits of Music to our Children

editor Editor

2min 41s read

Guidelines in making decisions,planning and organizing your classroom

Consider these guidelines in keeping a well-organized classroom

editor Editor

2min 17s read

Target Goal: Self Control to Keep in Tract and Manage Stress

My Life's Reflection on How to say No to Stress.

editor Editor

5min 5s read

The Role of the Teacher

A teacher's role is to ensure that every student has the right to feel safe, to learn to the best of their ability and to be treated with dignity and respect. What are other roles and responsibilities of the teacher?

editor Editor

4min 52s read

Michael Comes Late To School

This is a short puppet show script about a boy who comes to school late

editor Editor

2min 22s read

How to deal with toddler's temper tantrums

Try these practical tips for controlling your toddler's tantrums.

editor Editor

6min 54s read

The Farmer

What is the best thing about being a farmer? Find out in this short Essay

editor Editor

1min 35s read

How to write Letters

These are some samples of informal and formal letters.

editor Editor

3min 34s read

How to make a Crazy Hat Soda Bottle

Crazy Hat Day at school is always so much fun! This easy Do-It-Yourself will be your chance to show off your creativity and styling skills to your darling daughter.

editor Editor

1min 47s read