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Boracay Island Experience with a Toddler

This travel blog will be one of the reasons why Boracay Island always stands out for spending your vacations in the Philippines

editor Editor

12min 46s read

The Eraser Bread

Did you know that you could use a rolled up piece of white bread to remove pencil marks?

editor Editor

1min 54s read

The Farmer

What is the best thing about being a farmer? Find out in this short Essay

editor Editor

1min 35s read

How to write Letters

These are some samples of informal and formal letters.

editor Editor

3min 34s read

The Street Vendor

Street vendors provide necessary goods and services, especially to those who must buy life’s necessities in very small quantities at affordable prices. They are important in our society. We must treat them with respect.

editor Editor

2min 22s read