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Activities for 1 year old Baby

These activities are enjoyable and fun. Your 1-year-old's skill development will also benefit from it.

editor Editor

4min 9s read

The Eraser Bread

Did you know that you could use a rolled up piece of white bread to remove pencil marks?

editor Editor

1min 54s read

Baking Soda and Vinegar Balloon Experiment

With the help of these five everyday kitchen items, you can learn how to blow up a balloon. We will see the power of gas in this fun Science Experiment

editor Editor

3min 2s read

Ideas for Planning a Memorable First Birthday Party on a Budget

Planning your child's first birthday can be stressful especially for first time Parents. The following advice and suggestions will help you plan a great first birthday celebration on a low price

editor Editor

6min 42s read

Exploring Refraction

Light may bend or refract when it strikes a transparent material, such as glass or plastic, both as it enters the material and when it leaves it. This activity allows us to see the effect of refraction.

editor Editor

2min 52s read

Mystery Bag Challenge

This is a fun game sensorial activity which uses the sense of touch

editor Editor

1min 11s read