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Duck's Feather Experiment

Ducks - How do they stay dry? Find out in this experiment

editor Editor

3min 2s read

The Importance Of Trees

There are several reasons why trees are important to us. Read this descriptive essay to find out.

editor Editor

2min 12s read

The Role of the Teacher

A teacher's role is to ensure that every student has the right to feel safe, to learn to the best of their ability and to be treated with dignity and respect. What are other roles and responsibilities of the teacher?

editor Editor

4min 52s read

What we can learn from The Minnesota Semi-starvation experiment

This is a short discussion and explanation about the Minnesota Starvation Experiment

editor Editor

4min 56s read

11 Daycare Lesson Planning Tips

Translating your state’s early learning standards and your center’s curriculum into fun, educational activities is best accomplished with a thorough lesson plan.

editor Editor

4min 31s read